It turns out that the main dignity of a man is not only intelligence or strength, but also the reproductive organ. Nature has endowed some men with a penis of sufficient size, while others suffer from low confidence in their masculine powers, consider their phallus not long or thick enough, are interested in how to enlarge the penis, if it can be made more powerful at home. . There are many techniques for solving this problem. The cheapest are massages and exercises to enlarge the penis.

Improving dignity
Of course, before doing exercises to increase the thickness of the penis and its length at home, you should think about whether it is psychological complexes. The normal numbers are as follows: the thickness is 3 to 4 cm, and the length in an erection state is 12 to 16 cm. If the number of masculinity matches these indicators, there is nothing to worry about. If there is a problem, it is worth considering a safe massage at home, exercises to increase thickness or length. You also need to keep in mind the factors why some men cannot perform massages and exercises that can enlarge the penis. This:
- Injuries, surgical interventions, neoplasms.
- Pustular, infectious and venereal diseases.
- Children under 16 years old.
To train, you need to prepare a soft towel, lubricant, hot water, study the literature or videos on how to exercise to increase the strength of the phallus. A measuring tape, a notebook, a pencil are needed to measure masculinity and correct changes in size. To enlarge the phallus are used:
- Actions aimed at stretching the muscles, massage.
- Strengthening of the blood filling of the corpora cavernosa.
- Kegel exercises.
- Circular power or pulls.
- Jelqing.
It is advisable that there are no distractions during the lesson.
Muscle stretching aims at a slight stretch, enlargement of the penis. Before starting the exercises, it is worthwhile to warm the penis with a towel moistened in hot water (being careful not to burn the skin). The hot compress should be kept for 10-15 minutes. Simultaneously with heating, it is advisable to perform a light massage. After warming up, hold the base of the head with your fingers and gently pull 1 to 1, 5 cm, hold for a few minutes, then loosen gently, warm up again, do a gentle massage. To enlarge the male organ, repeat the procedure up to 20 times, focusing on the sensations.

Warm up your penis before exercising.
An important condition: stretching exercises are performed only with the penis relaxed, so as not to hurt yourself.
For blood flow
The exercise aims to increase the blood supply to the tissues of the penis. It is advisable to perform the exercise with a full erection, but being very careful not to hurt yourself. To do this, you need to grab the base of the organ with one hand and the head with the other, and very carefully make circular movements, such as squeezing, twisting a towel. The exercise should be repeated a maximum of five minutes, twice a week. When the slightest sensation of pain appears, training is prohibited.
Kegel Help
Kegel exercise will not significantly increase the penis, but will help to ensure blood flow to the corpora cavernosa. Training the tension of the pelvic muscles, followed by holding and stretching the head, increases erection and intensifies orgasm in men. The homework technique is to contract and relax the pubococcygeus muscle. The exercise is performed at least twice a day, fifteen approaches are made.
Be sure to follow the breathing technique, inhale and exhale through your nose during muscle contraction and relaxation. To achieve the maximum effect, Kegel gymnastics should be performed in combination with massage and other training.
Tractive force
The lifting and stretching exercises are performed in a sitting position. Before the procedure, it is necessary to warm the penis and use a lubricant. Then, grasp the head of the penis with your fingers, pull it towards you, rotate the organ to the left and right, making intervals between turns in a few seconds. To enlarge the penis, it is advisable to do 5-6 approaches daily. There may be mild discomfort during the procedure. In no case should the appearance of pain be allowed. The intense pain that hit the penis is an immediate reason to see a doctor.

When pulling the penis hard, it is essential to use lubricant.
Circular traction
You can make your penis more powerful with a circular tug, which is similar to a strength exercise. The difference is that when the penis is pulled back, the movements are clockwise. The main condition when performing this technique to increase masculinity is to do at least 20 rotations in one class. It is advisable to combine circular stretching with other types of strength stretching, massage. Some men claim that, in a month of exercise at home, it is possible to enlarge the penis by 1 to 2 cm.
Jelqing is a technique to increase the size, volume and mass of the penis. Based on the impulse of blood from the pubis to the head. It is important to warm the penis well before jelqing. Then try to get an incomplete erection, hold the phallus with two fingers, squeeze a little, slowly move your hand along the organ. The pressure of the hand should not cause a sensation of pain. Periodically, to further enlarge the penis, you can make your small spasms of half a second. This lightweight stretch allows you to quickly increase your size. To increase the base of the phallus, you can make reverse jelqs (from the head to the pubis).
The first time, when performing the jelqing, you will require a lubricant (lubricant) so as not to cause damage and inflammation to delicate skin. To increase the penis, it is advisable to jelqing daily for at least 10 minutes.
You can increase male dignity with a variety of exercises. Many penis enlargement exercises at home are effective, virtually safe. It is best not to exercise with a load or pump, as there is a possibility of serious injury. To better master the training methodology, you can watch a video on how to enlarge your penis on the websites of urologists, sex therapists. On the Internet, you can find and read books on this hot topic. One of the great authors - Aaron Kemmer - wrote a great bestseller on what penis enlargement exercises can be used at home. The impossible is possible. A man who exercises constantly will increase his phallus over time, raise his self-esteem and provide a pleasant half minute of sexual intercourse.